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Bachelor of Law (BA LLB)

Bachelor of Law (BA LLB)

Best BA LLB colleges in Delhi NCR

Trinity Institute of Professional Studies (TIPS), Best BA LLB colleges in Delhi NCR, offers the integrated five year programme under its Department of Law which is approved by the Bar Council of India and is affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU). The course BA LLB is structured in a special way so as to bridge the gap between theoretical inputs and practical application to prepare the students to meet the requirements of the industry leading TIPS as one of the Top law colleges in IP University. Keeping in mind this vision, the Department of Law is equipped with state of the art infrastructure including ICT enabled classrooms, moot court, a separate library with e-journal access, an activity room to facilitate debate and discussion and a Legal Aid Clinic exclusively for law students. Different kinds of visits such as Court visit, Parliament visit, Jail visit, Lok Adalat visit various Appellate Tribunals visit are conducted to enable the students to get a knowledge and exposure to Court environment.
At the end of every year, students go through summer internship training and prepare a brief report. Experimental based learning is promoted by the institute through extra-curricular activities like Conferences, Seminars, Moot Court Competition, Criminal/Civil Trial Advocacy Competition, Youth Parliament, MUN (Model United Nations), debates on current legal and social issues, Mock Interviews, Group Discussion, Legal Literacy Campaigns, Street Plays, Legal Aid Clinic & Camp, PLV Training, and Summer Internship etc. Students from all the courses are given an opportunity to write and present their research papers and innovative ideas in the National Conference organised by the institute every year. Educational Tours (National & International) are organised by the institute for the overall development of studentsThe exposure that students get at TIPS makes it the best law college in Delhi for BA LLB.
TIPS, the top BA LLB college in Delhi fosters academic and career success through 360 degree holistic development which includes critical thinking, effective communication, creativity, and cultural awareness in a safe and accessible learning environment through various initiatives.
The objectives for the course are designed, considering that BA LLB Graduates will be able:
  • PEO1: To acquire & apply legal knowledge to the complex Socio-legal problems.
  • PEO2: To make students eligible to practice in Courts, Industries, Companies as legal practitioner.
  • PEO3: To possess professional skills required for legal practice such as Argument, Pleading, drafting, conveyancing etc
  • PEO4: To understand and apply principles of professional ethics of legal profession.
  • PEO5: To develop legal research skills & legal reasoning and apply it during programme & in Legal practice.
  • PEO6: To provide a platform of self-employability by developing professional skills in legal industry.
  • PEO7: To make awareness about Constitutional legislative & societal transformation in society & to develop clinical abilities
  • PEO8: Every graduate will become skilled in legal research, written and oral communication, teamwork, advocacy, and problem-solving.


BA LLB programme offered by the Institute will groom the students to:
  • PO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of substantive & procedural laws including various legislations and connected rules & regulations.
  • PO2: Develop the skill of drafting or art of framing various plaints, petitions, writ, letters, using proper English format with clarity. Students therefore learn the skills of collaboration, negotiation and counseling for the ethical implementation of legal system.
  • PO3: Understand the standards of conduct involved in practice of law and demonstrate values of legal profession. This inculcates ethical responsibilities towards clients in a legal system.
  • PO4: Analyze and understand changes in regard to rule of law, economic reforms, human rights, women’s rights, rights of children, elderly, sick and disadvantaged segments of the population.
  • PO5: Make professional choices in a number of fields. Possible career paths include advocacy, research, policy making and judicial services. Career options also available in the corporate houses, public sector and government, community relations, civil society etc.


  • PSO1: Critical Thinking: Explore and explain the substantial & procedural laws in which they are made/drafted and how students think and understand the legislative setup.
  • PSO2: Effective Communication: Ability to learn the art of communicating and demonstrating their oral advocacy skills. Projecting the facts in a way suitable to the client and power to convince on legal reasoning forms the essence of communication in courts of law. PSO3: Social Interaction: Interpret and analyze the legal and social problems and work towards finding solutions to the problems by application of laws and regulations.
  • PSO4: Effective Citizenship: Inculcate values of Rights and Duties, and transfer these values to real-life through legal and judicial process for promoting community welfare.
  • PSO5: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to legal professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the established legal practices.
  • PSO6: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional, legal solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  • PSO7: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broader context of legal and societal change.
Embedding the ethos of legal profession ,the Department of legal studies have undertaken various new initiatives which can be identified as Best Practices:
Environment Law Centre: Environment Law Centre, TIPS is established with an idea to sensitize society about environment degradation and sustainable development. In order to bring the world a little closer to be aware and to act collectively for global goals and climate change in particular, Centre, is determined to undertake environmental education to bring students, lawyers, academicians and activists on a common platform to define ground level solutions to actual problems faced by local communities. 
Eminent Lecture Series: The Law Dept. initiated the Eminent Lecture Series. The Inaugural lecture was by Mr.Vikramjit Banerjee, Additional Solicitor General of India, Supreme Court. This initiative by TIPS, Dwarka has been taken to ensure that our students are exposed to best minds in the industry. Under the aegis of Eminent Lecture Series, all departments of the institute organize interactions of students with renowned professionals in their fields
Para-legal Volunteer Training Programme: It was organized by the Legal Aid Society in collaboration with Delhi State Legal Services Authority Various sessions were taken by eminent judges and other dignitaries which turned out to be highly enriching and enabled the students to become certified para-legal volunteers. All the law students are certified Para Legal Volunteers, equipped to provide free legal aid to the under privileged, which is a unique feature of the Law School.
Trinity Law Review Journal: The Department has its own exclusive Trinity Law Review Journal in which the contribution is made both by the faculty members as well as the students .
Value added course: The Department has successfully launched two editions Value added courses since 2021, acknowledging the dynamic requirement of legal environment. The first edition of Value-added course was on  “ Legal Drafting”   & second on “Surge & Requirement on Online Retail Trade Law During Covid Era”
Satyakshi Academy :This is a new initiative started by the Department in collaboration with SW-DLSA to provide platform to the students for preparing themselves for various competitive examination without any cost.
  • TIPS has facilitated a blend of traditional and modern modes of teaching with technological aids such as ceiling-mounted LCD projectors, white and green boards and podium for the faculty members.
  • The institute has centrally air conditioned classrooms, library, well-equipped labs with the updated versions of the software’s containing all reported judgment like AIR, Manupatra, etc.
  • The institute organizes for all the students, visit to Supreme Court, High Court, District Courts, Lok Adalats, Parliament, SEBI, stock exchange, Jail and Historical visits which give an insight to the law students as to how they have to deal with the challenges later in their professional life.
  • The institute has experienced and well-qualified faculty members to nurture the students.
  • Experience based learning is encouraged by the institute through activities like conferences, seminars, quiz, Moot Court competitions, symposium, panel discussions etc.
  • The focus is not only on the Academia but also on the overall grooming of the student by giving them opportunity to participate in curricular events and also in sports, music, theatre, dance, etc. We are proud to share that many of our students are representing our institute in sports at state or national level.
  • The college focuses primarily on Moral values and ensures that our students should be very good human beings before becoming good professionals so under sevarth and BVP the students are encouraged to participate in various activities catering to help the needy and spend some time helping and educating the housekeeping staff.
  • Regular mock tests, Online Test and personality development programs are organized by the institute to prepare the students for future assignments.
Course Duration: 5 Years (Ten Semesters- Regular teaching in nine semesters and Dissertation and Internship in the tenth semester)
Students Intake in BA LLB
The intake is 60 students.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates should have at least 50% (Best of 4 including English) in the qualifying Examination (10+2). All applicants are required to appear in Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) -Under Graduate, 2023 (CLAT -UG, 2023) conducted by Consortium of National law Universities on a Rotational Basis. The University shall not conduct its own CET for Admissions. The students should register for admission in the University and the University will consider the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT – UG, 2023) merit rank for admission following the reservation policy of the state. The whole admission process is handled by the University.
Admissions through Management Quota
The Institute conducts admission for Management Quota which is 10% of the total intake of respective course. Candidates seeking admission to Management Quota seats are to satisfy below mentioned eligibility criteria. Additionally, candidates need to qualify the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) conducted by the Consortium of National Law University (NLUs). The merit for admission is drawn on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in the qualifying examination, i.e., 10+2 and the Rank Secured in CLAT Examination.
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