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Trinity Legal Aid Society

Trinity Legal Aid Society

Trinity Legal Aid Society

“The State shall secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice, on a basis of equal opportunity, and shall, in particular, provide free legal aid, by suitable legislation or schemes or in any other way, to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities.” -Article 39-A of the Constitution of India.
The task of the Legal Services Society is to provide the law students an occasion to learn by doing, use social spaces as a class room, sensitize them to the nature of law that can empower or oppress, facilitate access to justice to the deprived and marginalized, and create socially responsible citizens, advocate, judges, police officers and other State officials.
Keeping the tenets of the Constitution in mind the Trinity Legal Aid Society was inaugurated on 22nd September, 2018. It seeks to ensure dissemination of justice equally among all sections of the society. To this end, it will seek to promote free legal aid so that those who may be at a disadvantage end may be able to access Courts and justice on equal terms with the more fortunate. It is for the promotion of equal access to justice that the Law schools in India have been endowed with the mandate to open and run legal aid cells.
Trinity Legal Aid Society will not only serve the society, it will also provide students with innumerable opportunities to hone their skills in law, inform them of the challenges in the profession and give them opportunity to serve people who are in most dire need of their knowledge and skills.
Information of Trinity Legal Aid Society
Legal Aid Committee:
Prof.(Dr.) K.K. Geetha
Dr. Harshita Harshu
Faculty Co-ordinator
Dr. Shashi Bala
Ms. Akshita Gupta
Mr. Abhishek Sharma
Ms. Akansha Mongia
Ms. Richa Tyagi
Student Members
Devansh Singh  Convener Sidhant Malik Member
Ambica Sharma  Convener Abhinav Member
Naman Jain Co- Convener Prerna tyagi Member
Karan Khuranna  Co- Convener Sneha Member
Saumya Mishra  Sr. Core Member Aryan mohnani Member
Nimisha Jha Member Khushatula Member
Ayush Pratap Singh Member Bharti Member
Swati Upadhaya Member Anchal Member
Dev Member Anurima Member
Himani Member Karan Hans Member
For more details
Visit: www.tipslas.wordpress.com
Contact No. - +91 73559-6287


Trinity Legal Aid Society organised a ‘ LEGAL AID CAMP’ on The World NGO Day(27th February 2022). Visited an NGO,  that works as an Old Age Home, giving shelter to the aged people who have no one to look after them. The objective of TLAS was to aware those citizens of their rights, awareness on the Senior Citizen Act, beneficial schemes introduced by the government.   Addressing their legal problems by giving them hope and proper legal advice by taking necessary steps, briefed them on laws related to Maintenance and welfare of parents and senior citizen Act, 2007. 

By the end those living in the old age home were happy to talk to the members, as their issues were heard and a resolution. They shared their experiences, giving us  a great vision of living our life.


Para-legal Volunteer Training Programme

The Legal Aid Society organized Two Day Para-legal Volunteer Training Programme in collaboration with Delhi State Legal Services Authority under the aegis of IQAC on 27th-28th February. Various sessions were taken by eminent judges and other dignitaries which turned out to be highly enriching and enabled the students to become certified para-legal volunteers.


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