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1. The overall weightage of a course in the Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination shall be determined in terms of credits assigned to the course.
2. The evaluation of students in a course shall have two components unless specifically stated in Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination:
(i) Continuous evaluation by the teacher(s) of the course.
(ii) Evaluation through End term Semester Examination.

3. The guidelines for distribution of weightage for various components of evaluation shall be as below:
a. Theory Courses
(i) Continuous Evaluation by Teacher(s) - 25%
(ii) End Term Semester Examination - 75%
b. Practical / Laboratory / Studio Courses
(i) Continuous evaluation by teacher(s) - 40%
(ii) End Term Semester Examination - 60%

The Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination shall prescribe to this distribution of weightage only.
4. Conduct of End Term Semester Examination
(i) All Semester/Supplementary/End term examinations shall be conducted by the Controller of Examinations.
(ii) The schedule of examinations shall be notified by the Controller of Examinations at least 10 days prior to the first day of the commencement of End Term Semester Examination.
(iii) For Practical viva-voice, Project Reports, Summer Training Reports all examiners shall be appointed by the Controller of Examinations.
(iv)End Term Semester Examination answer scripts of students shall be evaluated by teachers appointed by Controller of Examinations from the course wise list of teachers. The list of teachers shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations within one month of commencement of the semester.

5. The results of a semester (including both teacher’s continuous evaluation and End Term Semester Examination) shall be declared by the Controller of Examinations. However, after scrutiny of the detailed result, if it is observed by Controller of Examinations that there has been a distinct change of standard in the examination as a whole or in a particular course, he may refer the matter to the Moderation Committee, specially constituted for the purpose by the Vice-Chancellor.

6. The marksheet containing the marks obtained by a student in various courses shall be issued by the Controller of Examinations, at the end of each academic semester, after the declaration of the result.

7. Criteria for Passing Courses, Marks, Promotion and Divisions

7.1 (a) The maximum marks in a course shall be 100 irrespective of the credits assigned to the course.
(b) The passing marks in course(s) of a programme shall be uniform across courses of a particular programme and shall be specified by the Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination. The passing marks shall be defined as the percentage of total marks (sum of both the teachers’ continuous evaluation and end term semester examination) and shall not be less than 40 percent.
(c) To pass / qualify in a course, the student must appear in all components of the course.

7.2 A student may apply, within two weeks from the date of the declaration of the result, for re-checking of the examination script(s) of a specific course(s) on the payment of prescribed fees. Rechecking shall mean verifying whether all the questions and their parts have been duly marked as per the question paper, and the totalling of marks. In the event of a discrepancy being found, the same shall be rectified through appropriate changes in the result as well as mark sheet of the concerned end term semester examination.

7.3 (i) A student obtaining less than the passing marks assigned to a course and failing in the course, shall be allowed to re-appear in end term semester examination of the course.
(ii) Students who are eligible to re-appear in end term semester examination shall have to apply to the Controller of Examinations through the School / Institution concerned and pay the examinations fees prescribed by the University, to be allowed to reappear in an examination.
(iii) The re-appearing student who secured less than marks equal to passing percentage of maximum marks of teacher’s continuous evaluation also have the option to repeat and improve the class test performance with regular batch of student. In such cases, the student will be required to apply for such improvement in the beginning of the semester, to the Dean/ Director of the School/ Institute.
(iv)   Promotion Policy to the Next Academic Year

  •  A student will be promoted to the next academic year only if such student has obtained at least 50% (rounding to full digits) of the total credits of the existing academic year from which the promotion to next academic year is being sought.
  • All such students who fail to get promoted to next academic year for the reason of deficiency in required credits, as stated above or due to being detained in a particular academic year, will automatically be declared to have taken academic break to repeat such examinations of the year in which the student has failed or has been detained, so as to obtain sufficient credits to be promoted to the next academic year. Such a student shall not be required to repeat any course that student has already completed successfully.

On acquisition of sufficient credits for promotion, such students who have taken at least one academic break, shall be automatically readmitted in the regular batch of that academic year of the concerned programme. The Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination applicable to such students on readmission (from the year of readmission) shall be Scheme as offered to the students of the regular batch. If the total credits of all courses offered to the student is less than the minimum credits of the regular batch students then the minimum credits for the award of the degree of such students shall be as proposed by the Controller of Examinations and approved by the Vice-Chancellor otherwise it shall be equal to the minimum credits of the regular batch in which the student has studied the final year of the programme.

Academic break shall be applicable only to students

  • Who are detained due to shortage of attendance.
  • Who do not attain the required credits for promotion.
  • Those who want to drop the acquired credits of an academic year and repeat the full academic year (that is, appear in all academic components), such students shall be required to apply through School of Study / Institute / College for readmission. This break shall be deemed as an academic break.

Only two academic breaks are permissible for a student for the completion of the academic programme. A student will not be allowed to take more than two academic breaks, for any reason whatsoever. A student who has exhausted two academic breaks and a further occasion arises for him / her to take academic break, in such cases the admission of such student would automatically stand cancelled. If due to this clause, a situation arises were the student shall not be able to complete the requirements for the award of the degree in stipulated time, the admission of such students shall automatically stand cancelled. If such students, whose admission have been canceled as per this clause, and the student appears for examinations, the result of such students shall be declared null and void.

 8. Grading System: After adding the teaching continuous evaluation marks to the end term semester examination, the marks secured by a student from maximum 100 shall be converted into a letter grade. The grade points are the numerical equivalent of letter grade assigned to a student in the points scale as given below:



Grade Point

90 – 100



75 – 89



65 – 74






50 – 54



45 – 49



40 – 44



Less than 40 or absent





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