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Coding Club

Coding Club

Coding Club

It has become the demand of the time to think out of the box and achieve doing something extraordinary in any field; and doing so requires practice to pursue the unordinary. The coding club is such a body which promotes excellence in Computer Science and IT education and its overall practice in the skill of problem solving. It is also to advance the development and exchange of relevant knowledge, gain technical and collaborative skills to design real-life projects and to be a forum for interaction among students of the institute.

Objectives of Coding Club:

  • To help students explore to the state-of-the art method and modern programming tools.
  • To compete in coding championships on various platforms.
  • To promote excellence in algorithm design/optimal solution and IT education & practice.
  • Advance the development and exchange of relevant knowledge about coding
  • Be a forum for interaction among students of the institute.

Keeping the club objectives in mind, the Coding club has organized a test for selection of new members of the club for the session 2022-2023 on 26th Feb, 2022. There were 55 students who participated in the test, and out of which 30 students were selected to be members of the club. As part of the process for selection of various portfolios of the club, the members willing to be in the club committee were instructed to fill a questionnaire on 9th March 2022. Through the questionnaire the members were instructed to answer some questions and self-nominate themselves for the club port folios. Subsequently, a write up was also called in from these nominated candidates on 22nd March 2022. Based on the responses from nominees and inputs received from faculties of the department, the following candidates are selected for the respective port folios of the coding club committee:

Faculty Incharges
  • Ms. Darshika
  • Ms. Neha
Students Incharges


Name of the Candidate



Vivek Kumar Singh (4th Sem-1st Shift)



Sushant Joshi (4th Sem-1st Shift)

Vice president


Kandarp Kumar Thakur (4th Sem-2nd Shift)



Akshit Maurya (1st Sem- 1st Shift)

Asstt. Secretary


Himani Singh (4th Sem-2nd Shift)

Core Member


Priyanshu Singh (1st Sem-2nd Shift)

Core Member

Event & Activities
26th March 2022


The Coding Club of CS & IT Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka conducted a “Bug Hunting Competition” on 26th March 2022 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. The event is for BCA students to show their skills & talents logically in C Programming. The objectives for organizing the event are: 1) To develop an aptitude for logical thinking, 2) To enhance language knowledge from various perspectives and 3) Finding bugs in given programs. Rules Of the Event: Participants have to find bugs - 1. Logical Errors 2. Syntax Errors 3. Runtime Errors Students enthusiastically participated in the event. The event was organized for BCA students to show their programming skills along with the logical and aptitude skills. The Winners of "Bug Hunting Competition" were: - 1st Prize : Rakesh, BCA Sem-1 Shift-1 2nd Prize : Muskan Jaggi, BCA Sem-1 Shift-2

26th April 2022

Workshop on C Programming

The CS & IT Department, Coding Club conducted a workshop on C programming for students of BCA 1st and 2nd year on 26th April 2022 from 3:00PM to 5:00PM. The workshop was organised to promote peer level learning and team work. The best part of the workshop was that the interview based questions were handled by the Coding Club Members and 44 students participated enthusiastically.The practical questions for hands on training were performed by a group of three students each on their laptops. Coding Club members were assigned with tasks for various duties and responsibilities for smooth conduct of the workshop. The workshop feedback was excellent and participants suggested a few more topics for upcoming workshops. The workshop concluded with an appreciation note by the HOD for participants, and a great encouraging and motivating words for the entire Coding Club team, which is doing amazing under the guidance of Dr. Krishna and Ms. Neha Roy.

23 October 2019

Coding Club

The Coding Club of CS & IT Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka conducted a “Bug Hunting Competition” on 26th March 2022 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. The event is for BCA students to show their skills & talents logically in C Programming.

August 27, 2019

Coding Club

The Coding Club of CS & IT Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka conducted a “Bug Hunting Competition” on 26th March 2022 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. The event is for BCA students to show their skills & talents logically in C Programming.

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